Walking On The Mountains

high valleyDriving along Rt. 60 through my home town, I look left and right and I see the mountains in full foliage. They seem to be taller and they make the Kanawha Valley seem smaller. I’m always dreaming and desiring to climb the mountains and walk the far ridges to see what lives among these mighty trees. What track will I see and what sounds will fill my ears and captivate my heart? Everyday when I look at them they beckon me to come up and walk their trails.

I said, “Lord, I want to climb the mountains but there are just too many to climb and at my age I don’t climb to well either.” These words came into my heart, “Don’t worry about all those other mountains; just keep climbing the one mountain I have given you.” I believe when I reach the top of this mountain I will see things that exist beyond my imagination.

What is your mountain or task that God has put in your spirit and are you up and moving to reach the goal He has set before you? Time is precious, so get moving. Be Blessed and Remain a Blessing.