The Waiting Room Of Prayer

People have asked me hPeople have asked me how I pray, and I tell them I just try to wait for the Holy Spirit. There are times the Holy Spirit has told or shown me what to pray and how to pray for what He wants to accomplish. Even in a prayer meetingblessingHe helps me sometimes know what a person needs in their life – physical or spiritual. Once in awhile it\’s like my hands, body and mind are gripped and knows the need to pray for healing. This does not happen all the time, but I attempt to keep my- self ready for Him. Like everyone else I just simply pray with plain understanding and let it go by faith, trusting God always for help and the answers. Many times I get a big NO and there are times I get a yes. Some may ask why keep praying when He says no, and I tell them He gives me enough answers that I just keep praying on. Man cannot do any thing without God being in the midst of it. \”It\’s not by might or power but by my Holy Spirit declares the Lord \” I am helpless without Him, but through Him I can do all things. God wants all of His people to reach out and touch others by faith in their hour of need. Step into the waters and walk by faith and let it refresh your spirit. When an answer is no, give Him praise, when it\’s a yes, give Him praise. For in all things give Him praise for He alone is worthy. Be Blessed and Remain a blessing.ow I pray, and I tell them I just try to wait for the Holy Spirit. There are times the Holy Spirit has told or shown me what to pray and how to pray for what He wants to accomplish. Even in a prayer meetingblessingHe helps me sometimes know what a person needs in their life – physical or spiritual. Once in awhile it’s like my hands, body and mind are gripped and knows the need to pray for healing. This does not happen all the time, but I attempt to keep my- self ready for Him. Like everyone else I just simply pray with plain understanding and let it go by faith, trusting God always for help and the answers. Many times I get a big NO and there are times I get a yes. Some may ask why keep praying when He says no, and I tell them He gives me enough answers that I just keep praying on. Man cannot do any thing without God being in the midst of it. “It’s not by might or power but by my Holy Spirit declares the Lord ” I am helpless without Him, but through Him I can do all things. God wants all of His people to reach out and touch others by faith in their hour of need. Step into the waters and walk by faith and let it refresh your spirit. When an answer is no, give Him praise, when it’s a yes, give Him praise. For in all things give Him praise for He alone is worthy. Be Blessed and Remain a blessing.

Be Seen or Be a Star

I am going to step out of character on this one, because this is the way I believe He is leading me.

Being in church for the greater part of my life I have heard and seen a lot of things happen in church. There are three important issues  or battles of the mind people have in the church. (not all people) have these problems. These are preaching, singing, and praying. Things I have heard are, ” I’d like to preach,” or “I never get to sing” and “I’d like to pray once in a while.”

God already has one star, one hero, and it is His one and only SON Jesus Christ. Do we really want to try and be a star, or would we rather be seen by God. Many of those that sing, pray or preach are seen by man and God and are working in their callings, which pleases God. If we really believe we are called to one of these positions, then practice, and more practice and wait till God wants to bring us out of the secret place to be seen and heard by the church. Our faithfulness to God and His calling will make anyone a blessing for His greater glory, and that alone should give us joy when we see the praise going up to Him. Whatever position we have or don’t have, let’s just try and shine in the place we are standing. Let us count our many blessings one by one. Receive this in love and keep me in your prayers, for I am a needy person. Amen.

Changing Locations

After meeting in a warehouse for about a year, pastor and all the congregation felt God wanted us to change location. After a man of God had prayed over seven locations The place he felt God wanted us to have was in our city and a half mile from our home. What a grand surprise! Now it was easier than ever to get to church, no matter what the weather was. We did not want to miss a service or a prayer meeting. Construction of our building took, I believe about a year, and would hold about three hundred and fifty. We never realized that their were so many people waiting for us in our city. Soon after a few months we were practically filled to capacity. Word spread quickly that God was doing great things in the church. Praise God, when you are in the right place and right position  to receive, God works mightily!


 I have written in my other blog stories about learning the ways of the forest and fine tuning our senses to the things around us. All these things will help us in the arena of prayer. There are two worlds in our lives, one is natural and the other is spiritual. Both are operating around us at the same time. They both run parallel to each other, one seen, the other unseen. God wants us to learn from both of them, learning from the natural and applying it to the spiritual. God wants us to live in this natural world but to pray and walk in the Spirit to touch the lives of people around us to bring glory to God. Be Blessed and go in Jesus name.

Praise To Presence

Walking in and down to the front of the sanctuary, I continue to worship. There at the altar I find my seat, open my bible and set my legal pad and pencil close by. Sometimes I like to walk and pray and allow my spirit to be open to listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit. Many times in the midst of worship I become quiet, so that I may hear the quiet voice of the Spirit. At times I may ask Him what He desires or what He would have me pray about. Let us keep our heart sensitive by loving all people, trying to be quick to forgive. All these things do not come easy and it takes practice, practice and more practice. In all of this, God is with us to help, and He alone gives us strength to win the victory. Remain blessed.

Praise To The Throne

I arrive at the church and get my key out to open the door to go in. I begin to praise the Lord because the Word says “enter His gates with thanksgiving and enter His gates with praise. I open the doors and praise the Lord as I enter His sanctuary with thankfulness to just be able to come before Him. Let’s praise the Lord with song by reading the word to Him. We must trust the Holy Spirit and let Him lead our hearts to sing, read, and how long to continue to worship before He leads us into another area. Let’s continue a little further tomorrow. Until then Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.

Late Night Meetings

I used to go to pray a couple times a week for several years. Usually only a couple times a week with bible in hand and a legal pad. Their are two more items needed, a key to the church and permission from the pastor. These are some ways I prepare to go meet with the Holy Spirit. Those of you who feel they are called to a life of prayer need to set up your time, place, and above all an expectant heart. We are all different and I know you will find what works best for you. This is just a beginning and may God bless and strengthen you for your journey. We will talk a little more tomorrow.

My Joy

The life of prayer as I have experienced it, has been one of sheer joy, love, and expectancy. Love, devotion and obedience is an ongoing time of growth, which will take on new meaning. Until then, I will continue to be one of His partners in praying for all people as He directs by His Holy Spirit. Many times it has not been easy to pray. There are and have been many struggles and lots of dry desert places. Sometimes it’s as though He has left me, but I know He hasn’t. He is giving me some alone time to see how I will handle being alone. After all, His word says He will never leave or forsake us, and He always keeps His word. These times also are ones of great joy, and I take heart during these periods. If you are having struggles also in prayer, don’t worry. Press on rejoicing and He will help along this journey. You are truly loved by this wonderful Savior. If He beholds the little sparrow and feeds them everyday, how much more He cares for you. Be Blessed and Remain a Blessing.

In The Room

I left home early Sunday morning, excited and anticipating meeting with my Lord. As I drove down the road trying not to speed, I told the Lord, ” I’m coming Father, I’m coming.” I kept on letting Him know I was on my way. When I entered the room of prayer, the glory and presence of my Lord filled the place. I began to praise and worship Him. From worship the Lord took me with Himself and would tell me for whom I should pray. He and I prayed for the nations, church, and people, for their salvation, healing, and for people to be spiritually hungry. My friends, we all should strive to have a place to meet God. Meet Him in closet or bedroom, in the woods or church. The main thing is to be consistent in being at your place of prayer. He! the Lord is waiting for all who will meet with Him. Be Blessed and Remain a Blessing.

My Simple Life In Prayer

The first time I heard the inner voice of the Holy Spirit was in a Methodist church. Their visiting speaker had just finished his portrayal of the Sermon on the Mount. As he was leaving the platform, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said this may be your last chance. Quickly I responded to Him and went to the alter and asked His forgiveness. My life since then has never been the same. I’m not a scholar or any kind of a learned man, and I am thankful to these men, for they have helped many in their walk in Christ. A simple man I am and this is my station in life. I’ve not been writing any these past few weeks simply because I’ve been waiting on God to show me how to proceed. I’ve known that I’m supposed to write about prayer. The question is in what way. Many books have been written on prayer. How to pray, methods of prayer, positions to pray in, and many other titles. God doesn’t want me to go that way. Many things that I would say you’ve heard many times before. I’m simply going to try and write about some of the quite times my Lord and I have spent together. Some stories may seem boring or not of consequence. To me the most exciting time of my life is speaking to the maker of all the universe, which to me, is no small thing. So please bear  with me as I attempt to obey God.