Tag Archives: attempt

My Simple Life In Prayer

The first time I heard the inner voice of the Holy Spirit was in a Methodist church. Their visiting speaker had just finished his portrayal of the Sermon on the Mount. As he was leaving the platform, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said this may be your last chance. Quickly I responded to Him and went to the alter and asked His forgiveness. My life since then has never been the same. I’m not a scholar or any kind of a learned man, and I am thankful to these men, for they have helped many in their walk in Christ. A simple man I am and this is my station in life. I’ve not been writing any these past few weeks simply because I’ve been waiting on God to show me how to proceed. I’ve known that I’m supposed to write about prayer. The question is in what way. Many books have been written on prayer. How to pray, methods of prayer, positions to pray in, and many other titles. God doesn’t want me to go that way. Many things that I would say you’ve heard many times before. I’m simply going to try and write about some of the quite times my Lord and I have spent together. Some stories may seem boring or not of consequence. To me the most exciting time of my life is speaking to the maker of all the universe, which to me, is no small thing. So please bearĀ  with me as I attempt to obey God.