Tag Archives: waiting


Waiting on Him. Did not he promise that if you seek you shall find, knock and it will be opened, ask and you shall receive. Take time to seek. My favorite time is the late night hour, and plan to stay awhile, and go prepared. Take a song book, He loves to hear us sing. Have your bible to read a loud to Him, and perhaps ask Him where to read. If He may give you a text to read, be assured the word is for we the readers. Keep handy a note pad to write when He gives you a word. Let God know you are coming to meet and pray with Him, and be as consistent as you can. He is waiting.


Four thirty in the morning and I sit in my recliner waiting. Picking up my kindle fire tablet and lay it on my lap. “Father I’m here, if you desire to speak I’ll listen, if not I will wait.” Silence. Then I hear within my heart a quiet sound saying “what do you want.” You are my Shepard I shall not want, you lead me beside still water restoring my soul. ” so once again I sit looking at a black empty screen that gives nothing until a light comes on inside. It’s the same with the soul of men, until the !ord gives light to my soul I have nothing to give. What a simple truth! Thank you Lord. ” Will you a!so come to the Lord and let Him bring light to your soul. He is waiting in your favorite place. ” Wait upon the Lord and He may give you something also. Go on give Him a try, you have everything to gain and it’s time well spent.

Empty Hands

A few nights ago while setting In the living room praying, It was about three in the morning. I had already been praying about an hour, when in mind I saw Jesus standing with His hands extended out, but His hands were empty. In my mind I was wondering why His hands were empty. Words floated up inside of me, why are my people asking, why doesn’t God do something? Why does He not heal so and so person.? Then an answer came forth, in response Jesus said, I can do nothing, for my people are not giving any prayers into my hands to work with. Why do they not pray without ceasing? Our prayers of asking, seeking, and knocking are feeble with unbelief. Their are a few across the land who pray continually, but I desire all of my children to pray. The answers to prayer are waiting, but who will ask and loose them from heaven by faith with a thankful heart of anticipation. His heart is longing to give us what we need. Can we not pray, even for a few moments? Now is the acceptable time.


Eugene Holstein <eholstein848@gmail.com>Feb 13, 2021, 7:00 PM (2 days ago)

Many of my writings and stories have been about waiting on God, and we should take time to wait on God, we learn so much in this position. I want to share the other side to waiting, and this coming or moving towards Him. There has been a lot of times when I experienced God in a much greater way. One Sunday morning I told my wife that I was going to church a little earlier. Getting into my car I was so excited to get there. Aloud, I continually let the Lord know I was on the way. ” I’m coming Father, I’m almost there, just a couple more minutes. ” I’m coming, I’m coming. ” when I entered the room I usually pray in, I stepped right into the glory of God. Knowing I was coming to Him, He had taken the time to prepare a place for He and I to pray and commune together. Either way, waiting on or moving towards Him, experiencing and living in the moments with Him changes me more each time we meet. In these trying times I want to call on Him more and more, He is the only hope for all mankind. We can’t meet face to face but I pray this little writing Will encourage each one of you. Perhaps we will meet in prayer again

Prayer Time

Prayer time is the most precious time I dedicate to spend with my heavenly father. Years ago we met most evenings at our church usually about eleven at night. It’s our sacred time together where it’s quiet to pray, listen, and talk. I would have no other friend, for He is my father who holds to His heart the things we share together. He is the greatest teacher one can have. He teaches me how to be still and know that He is God. I am still trying to know when to speak and when to be quiet. We all must learn how to enter a room of the sick, or a grieving person, to speak softly to a hurting heart. I have so much to learn but He is patient, if we will get still in our spirit and listen closely, He will give us  wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, these three will take a lifetime of learning and gain patience. Would you enter or make a secret place to meet Him, IF He is invited to come. Hope to see you one day.

In His Presence

In God’s word it says, in His presence is fullness of joy, but there is more, so much more. His presence is measureless. His presence so fills a room, that to breathe is not air but love so rich, so pure it gives life a new meaning with power, love, and joy. A desire to submit, too bow down and wait, no hurry, no rush. Time is no more in His presence, a desire to please Him, to abide, to linger with Him. No wonder John was always leaning on Jesus, the love, peace and contentment that moved like a heavenly current flowing out of Jesus to His dear friend. To breathe in the intoxicating aroma of heavens Christ. When He speaks it’s truth, it’s revelation as every word is creation, yes giving life to all He speaks to, who believes and receives His word. I stumble trying to pull out of my heart the right words to express His glory, His majesty. My mere words cannot describe the magnitude of His divine presence. Just sitting here remembering times spent with Him in the night hours, bring a smile, joy once again moving up and flooding my heart  again. This is time well spent, and I thank you for your presence once again.

These Eyes

Ever since I was a teen, shooting and hunting has always been my joy in life. Even before my salvation in Christ, my confession, and my desire was to have eyes like an eagle, keen and sharp. I never thought until recently that God was answering that desire to see, but in ways I never imagined. For many years He has helped me to see not with the eyes of the eagle but with the eyes and heart of the Spirit. The eye’s and heart have become one, to see and be moved with compassion for the hurting, lonely,and broken people. The heart tells the eyes things about people, and the heart has led me how to pray, to encourage. The Holy Spirit leads me in ways I don’t understand, but most of all He gives me faith and a boldness to speak to the need, the strength to walk, and a word becomes faith to speak that word in to a person’s life. I guess what I’m trying to say is to please draw near to God, and allow Him to use every part of our being, mind,body, soul, and spirit for the edification of a person, and to glorify God. What we do by faith, allows the Holy Spirit to move and the God head receives the glory. Let all things glorify the Christ, Son of the living God.


Some times in the midst of your greatest struggle and all seems lost, deep inside the words come, when you have done all you can do just stand and let God move. When you stand, that is usually the place of your greatest conflict. There is a place of greater conflict and that is on your knees in agony of praying. Jesus in Gethsemane’ s garden agonized in prayer until finally saying, ” not my will but your will be done. ” Have you ever had your Gethsemane experience to give God your will knowing there is no going back to the self life. Perhaps God may let you experience the weight of a burden that takes you prostate before the Lord and all that is left is your soul crying for the help or healing that only God can lift from your heart the heaviness and pain that renders you helpless. Only then we know our strength is not enough and it humbles you to complete submission. Until that time keep standing, and when all you know is done keep standing. God will meet you there in your garden

A Surprise Visitation

I was sitting alone on my back porch enjoying the quiet solitude of the moment. As I raised my head from looking down, in a twinkling of what had been my backyard, heaven’s kingdom came down and in my spirit and senses I was amazed, stunned, and awestruck. My quiet and peaceful moment was changed into God’s quiet and peace. The difference between the two, my human tongue cannot begin to describe. No voice, nothing else, just one moment transferred to the other and then it was gone. This was not the first time God has done this, but each time has been a different experience. I just wanted to share my moment in His kingdom and to encourage you that God is  with us always and can cross the portal of time wherever and whenever He so desires. So keep looking up with expectations, for God moves in a twinkling that can be missed so quickly. In the meantime remain blessed.

Seeds of Prayer

The time is now as we yield our members to allow the heart to be plowed up by the Holy Spirit. The plowing at times is painful as it digs deep to find the rich soil and then the Holy Spirit plants His seeds in every part of the heart where they are needed most to produce good works for our God. I know it’s going to take time in prayer for the the seed to germinate. Prayer has to be constant, fervent and in faith. It will take much prayer for the seed to come up, and heart felt tears to moisten the inner parts for the fruit to break through the flesh of the heart, but the reward will be worth it all.